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Odisha 24×7 Online News provides latest local news of Odisha, India and the world. Get current top stories, business, sports and Bollywood headlines with videos, photo galleries and more.

The news media are those elements of the mass media that focus on delivering news to the general public or a target public. These include print media (newspapers, newsmagazines), broadcast news (radio and television), and more recently the Internet (online newspapers, news blogs etc.). An online newspaper, also known as a web newspaper, is a newspaper that exists on the World Wide Web or Internet, either separately or as an online version of a printed periodical. Going online created more opportunities for newspapers, such as competing with broadcast journalism in presenting breaking news in a more timely manner. The credibility and strong brand recognition of well-established newspapers, and the close relationships they have with advertisers, are also seen by many in the newspaper industry as strengthening their chances of survival. The movement away from the printing process can also help decrease costs. News reporters are being taught to shoot video and to write in the succinct manner necessary for the Internet news pages. Some newspapers have attempted to integrate the internet into every aspect of their operations, i.e. reporters writing stories for both print and online, and classified advertisements appearing in both media; others operate websites that are more distinct from the printed newspaper.

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